Translation | Multilingual
DTP | Voice-Over | Subtitling & Post-production
Magnum Group offers multilingual desktop publishing services in
most languages. Our experienced professional desktop publishers
work in different scripts and languages using popular desktop publishing
applications such as QuarkXpress, PageMaker, Adobe Illustrator,
InDesign, Freehand, and Photoshop in Macintosh and PC environments.
We adjust typefaces, spacing and other layout components of graphics,
diagrams, Power Point slides, and illustrations. The result is translated
material with the same appearance as the original without compromising
Our DTP and language experts work closely to ensure that the images
and colors selected are appropriate in the target market. We are
able to maintain the style of the source documents even when the
language requires reversing the direction of the composition from
right to left. In the case of non-Roman scripts, such as Chinese,
Hebrew, Japanese and Korean, the client does not require specialized
fonts to display and/or print the published text. We can deliver
files and digital artwork in many file formats such as pdf, eps,
tiff, or postscript files.
During the strict quality control phase, a native speaker of the
target language, an in-house proofreader, and the graphics specialist
work side by side to proofread the document, ensure compliance with
foreign language typesetting conventions, and, most importantly,
to guarantee that the foreign language text is intact and properly
laid out. The artwork is signed off by the original translator,
the graphics specialist, and the senior project manager to ensure
consistency of layout between languages and adherence to client
Magnum Group is driven by principles
of professional excellence and commitment to the highest standards
of practice.