Magnum Group is proud to present a series of links chosen by members
of our team. They reflect some of our interests and give an idea
of what "makes us tick."
The Year of Languages
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
has launched a yearlong, national campaign in the U.S. to highlight
the importance of language learning and cultural understanding. |
Fun Words Archive
Martha Barnett (cohost of A Way With Words on public
radio) posted this growing list of words she loves, from accismus
to zydeco, with their meanings and origins.
University OWL: Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Guide
The web site for Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL)
features this guide to U.S. English writing standards. It
includes a handy Brief
Overview of Punctuation: Semicolon, Colon,Parenthesis, Dash,
Quotation Marks, and Italics.
American and British English Differences
An impressive catalog -- or catalogue -- of differences in
spelling, grammar, usage and punctuation between "American
English" (as written in the U.S.) and "Commonwealth
English" (as written in most other English-speaking countries).
Languages and Language Families
Human languages can be grouped into families, based on the
ancient languages from which they evolved. This article explains
that the thousands of languages in the world can be organized
into fourteen major families. Be sure to check out the map
link in the upper right corner. |