Magnum Group: engineering artful translations
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Translation | Multilingual DTP | Voice-Over | Subtitling & Post-production Services

Magnum Group applies an effective language management process to produce superior quality translations. You can expect precise, professional and culturally appropriate foreign-language renditions of your international documentation.

Translation. We offer translation services in more than thirty languages. Sensitivity to the context of the client's communication and to the culture of the target audience is as important as an accurate translation. All projects are assigned to native speakers of the target language who have at least 3 years of experience in translation and who specialize in the subject matter of the text. Translators use computerized foreign-language spell-checkers and terminology banks to produce highly accurate translations.

We are constantly expanding our hardware and software resources to meet the demanding needs of today’s global community. We work with state-of-the-art translation memory software programs such as Trados and SDLX to increase productivity without sacrificing the quality or the integrity of our work product. These programs are used to maintain consistency and assist translators in increasing their productivity by reducing the time spent translating recurring content. Every translated sentence is stored in a repository database called translation memory. When a particular sentence reoccurs, the translation stored in the database is displayed on the screen. The translator then has the option of reviewing, editing or accepting the translation. Client-specific translation memories are maintained on a regular basis to ensure accuracy and reliability for future documentation updates.

Editing. Translations are edited by another native target-language speaker experienced in translation and the subject matter. Special attention is given to grammatical correctness and terminology consistency. After editing, the translation is returned to the original translator who incorporates any necessary corrections.

During the strict quality control phase, native speakers of the target languages and in-house proofreaders work side by side to proofread the documents and verify that the foreign language text is intact and properly laid out. Annotations, table of contents, abstracts, main text, references, tables, figures, charts, foot and end notes are carefully reviewed to ensure that they have been enlarged or reduced as necessary for balanced, clear and idiomatically correct exposition to ensure consistency of layout between source and target languages and adherence to client instructions. The work product is signed off by the original translator, the in-house proofreader, and the senior project manager.

Glossary development. During the course of a translation project, Magnum Group develops glossaries of new terms to help ensure accuracy and consistency. Client-specific glossaries are continually expanded and improved.

In-country review. Review by the client's overseas office assures the incorporation of industry-specific terminology. We prepare the material for in-country reviewers and, when pertinent, provide clear instructions on how to review translations to obtain constructive editorial comments that can be efficiently implemented. This step is especially important, since it incorporates localized feedback into the editing process.

Formatting. We develop solutions for clients who request that translations maintain the format of English materials. Translations are carefully formatted to be optically faithful to the source-language documents. For example, Spanish, requires up to 15 percent more space than English. We adjust typefaces, spacing and other layout components. The result is translated material with the same appearance as the original without compromising content. For more information click here.

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